When:Every Sunday from 8th - 29th August 2021
Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Where: St Stephen's Presbyterian Church
What's the best gift God could give you?
We all want to be happy. Why is lasting happiness so hard to find?
Life Explored is an informal, relaxed, creative, thought-provoking series that explores our longing for more. Through a series of short film stories shot around the world, each session raises questions such as: Where do I find happiness? What is fulfillment? If God exists, what do I want from him?
It's for anyone who wants to find contentment and happiness in life. You won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like, or just sit and listen.
For more information, email admin@shp.org.au and check out the frequently asked questions below.
For more information about the course, visit the Life Explored website here.
Watch the trailer
Frequently asked questions
WHo is LIFE explored for?
Life Explored is a chance to investigate what the Bible says about life, happiness and purpose. Find out what the God of the Bible offers us.​ Whether you have previous experience of church, christians and the Bible, or none at all, this is for you. Everyone is welcome – from the most sympathetic believer to the convinced atheist. We will respect your background, culture and beliefs. Tell us as little or as much about yourself as you feel comfortable.
WHAT happens each week?
Life Explored is normally run in small groups of about 10 people for 1.5 hours. After briefly discussing the material from the week before, there is a talk or DVD on the theme for that week. Then the group discuss any questions that have arisen. Of course, if you'd like, you're welcome to stick around a bit longer to discuss any further issues you might have. And you can ask any question you want.
Do I need to give any money?
It's free!
Can I pull out if I want to?
Of course you can - if you've got concerns or issues on any point though, we'd love to talk it through with you.​
Do I have to bring anything?​
No, all materials are provided.
Am I going to get preached at?
Each week includes a video talk designed to explain an aspect of Christian belief and to stimulate discussion. Hopefully you'll find it challenging and helpful. The group leaders will facilitate discussion and try to answer questions.
do I have to speak in the group?
Not if you don't want to. You are welcome to come and just sit and listen. However everyone comes with their own unique insights and life experience - it is amazing what helps each other out.
Why is life Explored run?
Christians count it a real privilege to explain the truth and relevance of the Christian message. Our church is made up of all sorts of people who’ve explored these questions and found the Bible’s answers to be compelling, exciting, and true.